Do all unfused pokemon need to be caught or seen to count as a completed pokedex
Do all unfused pokemon need to be caught or seen to count as a completed pokedex
Im doing the darkrai quest but cant place the corrupted feather on the bed.
At what level does a fusion evolve if the evolution levels of its Pokémon are different? If someone has already asked this question, or this information is on the wiki, I apologize, but I couldn't find it.
I was fighting mewtwo and hit it with a move that killed it and now i cant complete the quest so is there a way to reset the encounter or am i stuck without it
Ik there is a way to fill boxes with every single species , but i want to know if you can get all fusions in the pokedex, maybe i can discover really good fusions
Does anyone know what fusion this is?
I've been trying to figure it out.
Is it only obtainable through randomized tms or is there a tutor? I can't seem to find the tm anywhere.
Can someone help me find Palkia lvl 75? After beating Gold i found a rift in Cerulean that led me to a Giratina lvl 75, then I found another rift in an island that led to a Dialga lvl 75 but I can't find the Palkia one. Btw I already did the arceus event to get the eggs trio
My pronouns are she/her
I use the calculator and I don’t play it sorry…
I love Pokémon ❤️
Au Revoir
And here is PorygonZ/Marill Fusion
I went and got the trainer from the safari zone and got the lucky egg from his chansey. Talked to both him and his chansey a few times but the quest will not count itself completed. Any fix?
The trainer doesn't appear in the pokemart no matter how many times I close and reopen the game and I'm at the current game version
Does anyone know where I can catch one? I want to combine it with Snorlax but I can't seem to find one anywhere (╥﹏╥)
Just updated to 5.2.1 and I can't find the patch notes to see what has changed. When I look at the version history on site it only goes up to 4.8 (or what ever version came before 5. anyone know whats new?
There is no alternate launchers for the previous three patches, I am experiencing lag from walking out side or even trying to start he game. In patches 5.1.3 to 5.0.4 they dont have alternate launcher is the file packets
Into a leaf stone. I went up to choose my fossil, chose helix fossil and got a leaf stone.
Edit: And Professor Oak is playing favorites. I got Ralts as my starter and he gave my rival the Regigigas fusion.
I have two saved files and my most progress has been made on my B file. Anyone know how to change the files? I'm using a laptop (Windows Laptop) and I don't know what keys to use to move left and right on the menu that pops up after the main menu.
What Porygon fusions become Minecraft? I know Beedrill does, is it the only one?